Pebble - New in Firmware 2.3: Notification skipping with a double-click.

This new feature lets you quickly jump to the next notification if the current one you’re viewing requires scrolling to see all the content. As before, if the notification you’re viewing is short and displays entirely on your Pebble, a single click is all it takes to go to the next one. To try out notification skipping for yourself:
  1. Update your Pebble to Firmware 2.3.
  2. Go to the Notifications app on your Pebble.
  3. Select a notification from your History, and click away!

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כתב מרגש של ליאת גת, שהקריא שלמה ארצי בתוכנית הרדיו שלו על אמהות:

אני נושא את ליבך - i carry your heart with me by E. E. Cummings