Recover iPhone 3GS from Apple Logo or Recovery Mode loop
Sometimes iPhone stucked at boot process and showed only an Apple logo (boot logo), some time it stucked on recovery mode loop i.e. iPhone starts in recovery mode after every restart. Here is a little tutorial on how to Recover iPhone 3GS from Apple Logo or Recovery Mode loop with the help of iRecovery. Thanks to Westbaer and Posixninja who made this awesome utility. iRecovery is a libusb-based command line utility for Mac OS X and Linux (perhaps Windows too). It is able to talk to the iBoot/iBSS in Apple’s iPhone/iPod touch via USB.
Run “ printenv “ comand in iRecovery and check your auto boot is set as false or true. For normal boot auto-boot should be set as true. If the auto-boot is flagged false then you have to set it as true. The following screenshot is from a iPhone 3GS which was stucked on Apple Logo, you can clearly see the auto-boot is set as false.
Here are the instructions below for changing your iPhone auto-boot from false to true with iRecovery for Windows and Mac OS X. Make sure while using iRecovery your phone is on recovery mode, if it isn’t then put your phone in recovery mode using the following procedure.

- Turn the device completely off and disconnect it from cable/dock.
- Hold down the home button.
- While holding down the home button connect to a computer with a cable (easiest) or dock.
- Keep holding down the home button until you see a connect-to-iTunes screen You are now in recovery mode.
Instruction’s For Windows :
1) Download irecovery for Windows and unzip to Desktop. Install libusb from the downloaded pack for Windows users only Mac users can skip this step. If you are on Windows Vista then follow the steps given below to install Libusb-Win32.
- Right click on this file. Select Properties | Compatibility Click the “Run this program in compatibility mode” box and select “Windows XP (Service Pack2)” from the drop down list.
- Right click again and select “Run as “Administrator”. Follow the installation instructions. Running the test program list the usb devices plugged into my computer – but not my new device.
2) Start iRecovery in Terminal / Console with
iRecovery -s
3) Execute the following commands:
setenv auto-boot true
If the phone is still on boot loop then once again, just run through the procedure again. When my phone was stucked on Apple mode, I repeated the procedure 3 times and on third attempt my phone restored to usable condition. So don’t panic if you don’t succeed in first attempt. If all attempts fails then try again and this time replace “fsboot” with “reboot”