Cloud Computing Explained: A Guide from Sun Microsystems

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Understanding Cloud Computing

It's easy to get lost in all the talk about cloud computing. Everybody seems to have a cloud, connects to the cloud, is cloud-enabled, or at the least, is cloud-ready.

There's a lot of jargon, but it's not all fluff and buzz. Behind that jargon are some very real business and technology benefits.

Our new guide to cloud computing will help you sort out what matters from what doesn't — and will arm you with a framework for determining whether and how cloud computing makes sense for your organization.

In 25 pages, this free guide:
  1. Defines cloud computing and its benefits
  2. Explains the different types of clouds (public, private, and hybrid)
  3. Describes the architectural service layers (e.g., Software as a Service)
  4. Details the underlying virtualization technologies
  5. Suggests next steps and actions to get started
You'll also learn about Sun's approach — which is to deliver all the components that enterprises, developers, and end users need to build cloud environments. Using open-source and open-standards, of course.

Download the Guide

Get the guide — and get your head into the cloud.
Thank you,

Sun Microsystems, Inc.

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